Level 2
Combined Guide and First Aid Course
Peak District UK
November 1/2/3/4 2024
All Terrain
Please note this course is aimed at Guides who operate on road/ unsurfaced roads and off road environments.
This course has been delivered.
Please book onto the next available course.
Over four intense days you will be trained and assessed for your Remote Area First Aid Qualification and the Level 2 Guides Certificate (OGA).
This course is spread over four days to accommodate the extensive syllabus. The four-day courses are often considered the better option because it gives a greater duration to master your new and developing skills.
£400pp. excludes Food & Accommodation.
DAY 1 arrival at 10.00 will commence our 18 hr First Aid Course for Remote Motorcycle Guides. A very practical course that is aimed specifically at the incidents experienced on motorcycle adventures.
DAY2 First Aid Scenarios.
Day 3 is the start of the OGA Level 2 Guides (Commercial) course, indoor, building based –
Day 4 – is your day to put into practice the skills and techniques we have shared, this is a fun day on the bikes where you will get to navigate and guide throughout the day. There is an assessment process within the day to ascertain that you have understood and are capable to put into practice your new procedures and skills.
The course is delivered in a kinaesthetic style, with the emphasis on easy decisions at difficult times.
First Aid Element Competencies:
This First Aid course for those who participate or lead medium to higher risk activities in remote places (more than 30 minutes
- Guidance on current best practice and legislation
- Assessments of situations and casualty
- Airway, breathing and circulation assessments
- Emergency resuscitation (including use of AED’s)
- Safe airway positions
- Dealing with choking
- Treatment of severe bleeding and shock
- Major injuries, including chest, head and pelvic injuries
- Treatment of fractures
- Environmental injuries such as hypothermia and hyperthermia
- Life threatening conditions such as heart attack, asthma, diabetes, strokes, seizures, burns and anaphylactic shock
- Injury management in an outdoor situation
- Incident management scenarios
- Long term care of a casualty in remote areas.
- Moving and carrying a casualty
- Decision tools for evacuation
Assessment will be ongoing for all the above subjects- we will look for understanding and/or skills once the subject has been taught.
Level 2 Guide: Commercial Guide providing Adventures in developed Countries within Europe
- Pre-Ride planning
- Able to assess riders needs and abilities
- Check weather conditions and make judgments on the forecast
- Plan a ride to suit the needs of the group, single or multiple days
- Able to use GPS systems/ Maps (please note this skill will not be taught as its a pre- requisite)
- Able to give a clear and precise Pre-Ride Brief to Standard
- Confident and positive group management skills
- Documentations requirements and organisational procedures
- Duty of Care
- Customer Care
- Incident Management
- Understands Access in the relevant locations of operations.
- Understands their role and how to manage Level 1 Run Leaders
- Understands Multi-day advenutres and how to set appropriate distances and expectations for the group.
- Understands Guided and Self Guided forms of adventure and how to manage them effectively.
Assessment will be ongoing for all the above subjects- we assess for understanding and/or skills to be demonstrated effectively – once the subject has been taught.
Your riding and navigation skills are pre-requisites to join the course, however these abilities will be assessed as a holistic skills combined with the guiding skills you have lerned on the course. Your ability to navigate, ride and guide a group anywhere in developed countries is essential for the Level 2 award.
Prerequisites to attend this course:
- You will be comfortable/ competent riding unsurfaced tracks Green Lanes on a bike of your choice.
- You are competent to follow a GPX track provided to you via email/ Bluetooth on a device of your choosing- commonly used: a smart phone/ dedicated GPS like a Garmin Montana.
NB. The Level 2 Course is aimed at people who have previous experience who can ride and navigate competently- These skills will not be taught on the course. If you would like to undertake a Level 1 Course, we can accommodate you within the level 2 course at reduced cost and adjusted standards.
Course Provider: M-Power Activity Services
Course Trainers: JP Dixon, Kelvyn Skee, *to be confirmed